Blog Journal #10

     As a teacher, I think I would use data collection and analysis to find out more about my students or use it to teach them about data collection. Asking questions about students' ages/birthdays could give me a good sense of the ages of my students or tell me when their birthdays are so that when those dates come along, I can acknowledge the students' birthdays. I could also ask questions based on their interests which could help me get to know my students better. Another way I'd use data collection is to teach a lesson on surveys and their uses.

    Topics I found most interesting in my classmates' blogs were ones that I could find similarities in. Topics based on opinion were always fun to read and let me get to know them a little better. I think my favorite topic that I read about was "digital natives" and what types of technology we all used in school. I liked reading about the different opinions and seeing what preferences everyone had.

    The technology skill I would like to learn next is probably video skills. I think this would be great to tie into distance learning. I know we kinda did this with zoom recordings, but I think it would be fun to learn more about making interactive videos for students to watch that are personalized and how we could use those in classes. I think students would also find this interesting as YouTube is a big social media platform for video content.


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