Blog Journal #1


    Hello there! My name is Rey and I'm an Elementary Education major at Florida State University. This semester I am taking Introduction to Educational Technology, which this blog is for. I am originally from Orlando, FL, and enjoy hiking, music, art, and of course education. Some of my favorite things include the color green, my cats, Loki and 13, and Taylor Swift. 

    My prior experience using technology in an educational setting as a student would be using Chromebooks or iPads to create presentations or as research devices. My schools eventually started using online textbooks and using sites such as Schoology and Canvas to create online spaces for classes in which we could have access to materials used by the teacher in class for our own reference, submit assignments, and even take exams. As an Elementary Education major, I use technology to learn how to create educational presentations and lesson plans, and I even use social media to connect with current teachers, other education majors, and current students, which allows me to hear multiple perspectives on education which I will be able to use once I am teaching in a classroom.

    As a college student, having PLNs, or Personal Learning Networks, are important since they allow me to have support systems through my professors and classmates and have a library of resources, both formally and informally. I am able to learn more about education through the classroom as well as by reading or watching social media content from people with similar interests or experiences. All of these things together create a network for me that I can use not only now as a student but in my future as a teacher. 


  1. Hi Rey! I am also an elementary education major! You did a great job explaining your PLN

  2. Hi Rey, I also have a lot of similar experience using technology for school. Most of it is through Canvas, and I've never actually heard of schoolology.


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